Archive for December 15th, 2023


* Important as from January 2024. *

December 15th, 2023 at 7:42 pm

I attend 2 groups, the first being the Swale Stroke group, the second being Crafty Chat for Chronic Pain suffers, & I have decided for every card I sell, I will donate 25p to each charity, which I will give to each charity at the Christmas dinners I will attend. They say charity starts at … Read more

* Stroke Group Christmas dinner. *

December 15th, 2023 at 7:12 pm

Today was the Christmas dinner for Swale Stroke group, & as usual the Mayor of Swale was invited, I was commissioned by the Stroke group to make a handcrafted Christmas card, & this is what I came up with, the Mayor CLLR Sarah Stephen said when I presented her wit the card, that the card … Read more