* Stroke Group Christmas dinner. *

December 15th, 2023 at 7:12 pm

Today was the Christmas dinner for Swale Stroke group, & as usual the Mayor of Swale was invited, I was commissioned by the Stroke group to make a handcrafted Christmas card, & this is what I came up with, the Mayor CLLR Sarah Stephen said when I presented her wit the card, that the card would go into her memory box to be kept forever. I was quiet please with the result, hope you will like it too.

P.S the bells & gold ribbon, is a recycled Christmas tree decoration, thank you to Michelle of Reclaimed Sparkle for thew Christmas decorations, that she donated to Crafty Chat for Chronic Pain suffers.

Aww, 1 friend commented!

  1. Michelle Guthrie shares:

    Thank you for mentioning me. Your cards are beautiful.

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